Ausbildungszentrum Berlin

Become a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at Shou Zhong.
Here you have the opportunity to certify in each of the five pillars of Chinese medicine:
Acupuncture – Pharmacology – Tuina – Qigong – Nutrition
We offer a program for every pillar. Further, we offer a basic course in Chinese medicine obstetrics for midwives, birth assistants, and doctors. And we offer courses in Western Herbs from the perpective of the Chinese Medicine.

Acupuncture Diploma Program
Are you looking for an established program in Traditional Chinese Medicine? We offer you everything you need to learn the craft of acupuncture.
Our three-year acupuncture diploma program with AGTCM certification paves the way, step-by-step, for you to gain the knowledge and practical skills to begin your own acupuncture practice as a competent therapist.
Pharmacology Program
Are you interested in Chinese pharmacology? Would you like to use it effectively in your own practice? We offer you the optimal foundations to do so. Chinese pharmacology is, alongside acupuncture, the most important pillar of Chinese medicine. You gain comprehensive knowledge about herbs and other substances used in treating pathologies. Benefit from the wealth of knowledge in the materia medica and formula preparations collected and preserved over centuries. Chinese pharmacology, alongside acupuncture, is the most important pillar of Chinese medicine. Various substances have been tested and documented from cultivation, collection and storage, to processing and subsequent usage. In our two-year program you’ll be introduced to the classical texts of the Shan Han Lun and Wen Bing schools, as well as the formulations of Li Dong Yuan (Earth School) and Wang Qing Ren. You gain the optimal framework for taking root in this field.

Tuina Massage Therapy
Learn tuina massage therapy, a manual treatment method in Chinese medicine. Tuina offers you an autonomous treatment method that has matured over centuries. Techniques include: muscle massage, chiropractic manipulation, active and passive joint mobilization, acupressure, and many more along the meridians and their points.
Our program features a large practical part to get you treating hands-on. You learn all the basic techniques and use diagnostic tools to arrive at your diagnosis as well as practicing the treatment of all body regions.
Chinese Nutrition Program
In our program you learn to use the deep fundamentals of Chinese nutrition on yourself and others. More than 2,000 years old, this body of knowledge classifies food according to its taste, temperature response, thermal, and its organ or meridian. In this way you can adjust and personalize the diet according to pathology, constitution, or season. This gives you an optimal tool for nutrition counseling in your own practice.
Join us on a culinary journey and gain understanding of this wealth of knowledge in theory and practice. A year takes you through all four seasons.

Qigong Program
Medical Qigong with Liu Ya Fei
Since 2006, in collaboration with the Shou Zhong school, the Nei Yang Gong Zentrum Berlin has been offering three-year advanced training in medical qigong with Liu Ya Fei. The fifth class began in 2019, and the demand is unabated.
Chinese Medicine and Obstetrics
For midwives, doctors, and obstetricians we offer a basic course every year.
Regular offerings of advanced courses supplement our program, so students can brush up on and deepen their theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Western Herbal Medicine
Learn how to use Western plants effectively according to the criteria of Chinese medicine.
In this program you’ll learn formulas, signatures, and ingredients. Using case studies and clustering effects, you’ll be able to classify the herbs and get to know their nature and mechanism.