Shou Zhong Aus- & Weiterbildungszentrum für Chinesische Medizin



Miriam Freudenberg, Absolventin der Arzneitmitteltherapieausbildung, gibt einen Einblick in den Ablauf und die Inhalte.



Are you interested in Chinese pharmacology? Would you like to use it successfully in your own practice? Our program offers you the optimal qualification. Alongside acupuncture, Chinese pharmacology is the most important pillar in Chinese medicine. You gain comprehensive knowledge regarding herbs and other substances you can use in treating disease. In line with the times, we offer hybrid lessons. A total of five weekends are classroom training for everyone. For the rest of the lessons you decide if you’d like to attend class on site or online.

Benefit from the wealth of knowledge in the materia medica and formula preparations collected and preserved over centuries. Various substances have been tested and documented, from cultivation, collection and storage, to processing and subsequent usage. In our two year program you’ll be introduced to the classical texts of the Shan Han Lun and Wen Bing schools, as well as the formulations of Li Dong Yuan (Earth School) and Wang Qing Ren. You gain the optimal framework for taking root in this field.

A new pharmacology program will start February 2026.
You can acquire the necessary basic knowledge from February 2025 by taking part in the first year of acupuncture training.

You’re very welcome to attend an information evening. Our faculty are happy to answer all your questions about the pharmacology program and other offerings at our school.

More dates for our information evenings coming soon.


The information evenings take place at our school (Belziger Str. 69/71, 10823 Berlin) or online via Zoom.


2 years with 450 hours (incl. 2 exam days and the teaching practice)
21 weekends, 14 hours each
Class meets: Saturday 10 am – 6 pm / Sunday 10 am – 4 pm / (Friday 10 am – 5 pm)

Teaching Practice
140 hours starting in the second year

4 dates Mondays (9 am – 12:30 and 1:30 – 5 pm)
16 dates Fridays (3 pm – 7:30 pm)


We’re looking forward to your attendance

Education 2024-2026


Materia Medica

1 MM – 23.-25.02.2024 (3 days)
2 MM – 23./24.03.2024
3 MM – 27./28.04.2024
4 MM – 08./09.06.2024
5 MM – 22./23.06.2024
6 MM – 06./07.07.2024
7 MM – 07./08.09.2024
8 MM – 12./13.10.2024
9 MM – 09./10.11.2024

Recipe theory

1 Rp – 07./08.12.2024
2 Rp – 18./19.01.2025
3 Rp – 22./23.02.2025
4 Rp – 15./16.03.2025
5 Rp – 05./06.04.2025
6 Rp – 17./18.05.2025
7 Rp –  05./06.07.2025
8 Rp – 20./21.09.2025
9 Rp – 18./19.10.2025
10 Rp – 08./09.11.2025
11 Rp – 06./07.12.2025
12 Rp – 17./18.01.2026

Excursions/ Speeches

Speech about Chinese drug safety Friday, 11.10.2024 (4-7:30 pm)

Excursion to the Botanical Garden and Pao Zhi  Friday, 07.06.2024 (10 am -1 pm + 2:30-5 pm)

Excursion to a pharmacy with Chinese herbal department (participation is optional) Saturday, date to be announced (7-8:30 pm)


Exam Materia Medica: Friday, 06.12.2024

Exam recipe theory: Monday, 16.02.2026



Teaching practice (all on site)

Mo 09.12.2024*
Fr 03.01.2025
Fr 17.01.2025*
Fr 31.01.2025
Fr 21.02.2025*
Fr 14.03.2025*
Fr 28.03.2025
Mo 07.04.2025*
Fr 25.04.2025
Fr 16.05.2025*
Fr 06.06.2025*
Fr 20.06.2025
Mo 07.07.2025*
Fr 18.07.2025
Fr 05.09.2025
Fr 19.09.2025*
Fr 17.10.2025*
Fr 07.11.2025*
Fr 21.11.2025
Mo 08.12.2025*

Fridays   3 pm – 7:30 pm

Mondays 9 am– 12.30 + 1:30 – 5 pm

With (*) marked dates are directly before or after a course weekend

All teaching practice dates are conditional


In our team, all of our faculty graduated from programs with renowned international teachers of acupuncture and Chinese medicine and have at least 10 years of work experience. Click here for our faculty page.

AGTCM Diploma – 350 hours of basic education
You can complete these at our school in approx. 1.5 years before the Chinese pharmacology program.

Participation/Certificate – basic knowledge in Chinese medicine with a minimum of 200 academic hours. These basics can be acquired in our school.

€270 per month (€6,480)

AGTCM Members
€216 per month (€5,184)

Payment is made monthly via direct debit.


Education 2024-2026

Year 1 – 90-minute written materia medica exam, Friday, 06.12.2024
Year 2 – 180-minute written formula preparation exam (120 minutes written questions / 60 minutes written cases), Monday, 16.02.2024

If you pass the exam with a score of 60% and have an attendance rate of at least 80%, you receive a certificate/diploma from the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin (AGTCM) Fachverband für Chinesische Medizin.

Year 1 – Materia Medica

In the first year over the course of nine weekends you become familiar with 250 therapeutic substances and combinations using formula examples. In class you develop comprehensive knowledge of the materia medica so you can optimally familiarize yourself with each individual drug. Individual substances are taught amalgamated according to clustering effects to give you a basic structure in which to get your bearings.

The study of materia medica with approx. 250 individual substances is an important basic framework in teaching Chinese pharmacology. We introduce you to each drug in detail. They are classified into specific groups and combined using an indicative formulation. This allows you to understand complex formulations step by step in their structure and to assess their desired effect as well as any contraindications.

We also familiarize you with the production, preparation, and administration (decoction, infusion, powder, pill, etc.) of Chinese therapeutic substances. We explain to you dosages, contraindications, and the current legal requirements in Germany.

All of the drugs taught at the school are demonstration material in order to give you a better idea of the substances. We give you the opportunity to taste various drugs and formulations in class in order to experience their flavors and effects for yourself.

In seven quizzes throughout the year you can test your knowledge and monitor your progress.

Year 2 – Formula Preparation

Central to year two is the study of formula preparation. You get to know the 200 most important formulas, their indication, and application. The composition shows you the intended effect and which symptoms you can treat with which formulas. Chinese pharmacology deals with a variety of symptoms. This allows you to approach your patients’ conditions individually and to adjust the formula to the current situation. In year two you go into the teaching practice with your previous knowledge, thereby gaining practical experience and further integrating your knowledge.

After the basics of materia medica in year one, you can expand on this knowledge this year with formula preparation. We introduce you to 200 famous classic formulas and explain important combinations of individual substances by means of examples and clinical cases. Here we focus on how you can modify the formulas in your own practice and adjust to the needs of your patients for a competent course of treatment.

This year you’ll also check your progress and knowledge in 10 quizzes.

Teaching Practice
Along with formula preparation you’ll treat patients in the school’s supervised teaching practice. You can put your theoretical knowledge of medical history, diagnostics, and therapy into practice and hone your skills. Where appropriate, you’ll make individual adjustments to formulae over the course of patients’ diseases. The teaching practice encompasses 140 hours and 22 sessions.


Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Sie Ihre Ausbildung bei uns beginnen wollen. Um in die Arzneimittellehre starten zu können, benötigen Sie Vorwissen in Chinesischer Medizin. (Um teilnehmen zu können ca. 200 Stunden, um das Diplom zu erreichen 350 Stunden).

Sollten Sie noch kein Vorwissen mitbringen, können Sie dieses gerne bei Shou Zhong erwerben. Bevor wir Ihnen die weitere Informationen oder Vertragsunterlagen zukommen lassen, bitten wir Sie um die folgenden Informationen:

für Rückfragen
Ihr derzeitiger Beruf

Wenn Sie Mitglied der AGTCM werden wollen, können Sie hier die Beitrittsunterlagen herunterladen. Der Beitritt in die AGTCM muss bis spätestens vier Wochen vor Ausbildungsbeginn erfolgt sein, um den Mitglieder-Preis berücksichtigen zu können.

Benötigte Unterlagen

Bitte senden Sie uns falls vorhanden den Nachweis über eine Grundausbildung in Chinesischer Medizin zu. Bitte senden Sie gerne auch Ihre Heilerlaubnis als Arzt/Ärztin oder Heilpraktiker*in, wenn Sie das Diplom der AGTCM anstreben (falls vorhanden). Sie können diese Unterlagen hier direkt hochladen oder per Post an uns schicken.


Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, zu einem unserer Infoabende zu kommen. Wir beantworten Ihnen gerne alle Fragen zur Akupunkturausbildung, sowie zu weiteren Angeboten unserer Schule.


Wir Informieren Sie zu unseren
Weiterbildungsveranstaltungen und Festen 3 bis 4-mal jährlich in unserem kostenlosen Newsletter.

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