Shou Zhong Aus- & Weiterbildungszentrum für Chinesische Medizin

Study groups

We are pleased to be able to offer two regular study groups on the premises of our school. Both groups are also registered with the AGTCM as quality circles QZ and credits can be earned. Please feel free to drop by 🙂

Engaging Vitality Study Group Berlin

To our great joy, a study group has been established in Berlin and has become a lovely exercise group. We work respectfully and mindfully. It can be practiced individually, or we look for common practice topics, depending on need and desire.
The practice group takes place every 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm at Shou Zhong.

Contact person is Suzanne Rainer
You are welcome to drop in spontaneously. If you want to be up to date please contact Suzanne Rainer at:

Next regular dates (all 7:30 pm):

Thursday 19th of September 2024

Tursday 17th of October 2024

Thursday 21st of November 2024

Thursday 19th of December 2024


Teishin, Jap. Moxa, QigongTuina – Treatment Styles of Bob Quinn and Stephen Schleipfer

Our regular practice group takes place every 1st Monday of the month at 7 pm at our school.
We practice working with the Teishin (Sanshin, stomachqilinie, facial treatment…), jap. moxa, QigongTuina (also as taught by Stephen Schleipfer), the warm-up exercise etc….

We strive for a collegial exchange and a pleasant, appreciative practice atmosphere. We are happy to welcome interested people and new faces.
You are cordially invited! Just drop by.

Next dates:

Monday 9th September 5-7 pm with Bob Quinn present

Please register:

Thursday 12th September 5-7 pm with Bob Quinn present

Please register:

Monday 7th of October 2024 – 7pm

Monday 4th of November 2024 – 7pm

Monday 2nd of December 2024 – 7pm


Please write a short email to our contact person Rudi Fink: if you want to be up to date. Suggestions, questions, wishes can also be sent to this email address.