Shou Zhong Aus- & Weiterbildungszentrum für Chinesische Medizin


Shou Zhong 

Ancestral Japanese Facelift

Takumi Finch (engl.)                      

This workshop explores the profound connection between individuals and their faces. The face holds immense significance for a person, serving as a mirror of our deepest emotional state. Japanese facial massage transcends mere relaxation and physical beauty. It nurtures and supports our sense of self-worth, fostering a deeper alignment with our bodies. This is why facial massage can have transformative therapeutic impacts, benefiting not only the body but also the mind and soul.

During these two days, you will learn a short protocol in true ancestral Japanese facial massage that will introduce you to massage meditation and to facial lift.

The Takumi Finch Institute trains fascia therapists specializing in facial care. Partner of the esteemed scientific institutions such as the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, the University of Bordeaux, and the Institute of Neurodegenerative Illnesses, the institute strives to deepen the understanding of massage benefits for patients and clients alike. Guided by ancient Taoist arts and philosophies, the institute prioritizes the amalgamation of science and nursing touch. It is through this fusion that the practitioner’s craft gains its true significance, nurturing a profound connection between the massage therapist and the receiver.

Prerequisites for participants: for all interested in an initiation to  Ancestral Japanese Facelift. Experience in massage is preferred.

The course language is English

Sandrine Takumi Finch’s journey has been to explore human vulnerabilities and resilience. This has led to a passion for understanding the mechanisms of self-acceptance. One particular area is the anti-aging sciences, as it relates to body image. Her family draws her wisdom along the mythical Silk Road, steeped in knowledge passed down through generations. From her academic background in genetic biochemistry at the University of Sheffield, England, she has kept a link to research which is now applying to the field of Well-Being. She is a fascia therapist and psychotherapist and is well-known for her work with Japanese facial massage. She is based in Bordeaux, France.

Direkte Anmeldung

für den Kurs

Ancestral Japanese Facelift
Termine 30./31.05.2026
Kurszeiten Samstag: 10:00 bis 19:00 Uhr
Sonntag: 10:00 bis 19:00 Uhr
Creditstunden 18
Kosten 570,- €
AGTCM Mitglieder 456,- €
SBO-TCM Mitglieder 523,- €


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